Eglantine House
Motto "To Create is to Live."
Dowayne <name>
Second <name>
Marque Eglantine flowers
House Trait Eglantine
Surname nó Eglantine
Location Mont Nuit

Accomplished in the arts, mastering at least one instrument or in possession of an astoundingly beautiful voice are Eglantines, which leads to them being contracted often for providing musical entertainment at social events alone. But there are more areas they often excel in, such as painting, writing poetry and the design of clothes and jewelry that lends them a creative air - and often a means to earn their living beside their service to Naamah.

Courtesans of this House advance in the Eglantine trait.

House Trait

The Eglantine trait grants a +2 bonus per level on rolls on one artform they have specialized in, such as Singing, Dancing, Painting, Fashion Design, a musical instrument, poetry or another form of creativity. Please note: Levels can be assigned to two different skills, meaning that Eglantine trait at level 2 for one single skill is possible (leading to a bonus of +4 for that one skill), but also Eglantine traits with one level in one skill and one level in another (each at +2).

In order to have trait bonuses added autmatically to rolls it is very important that the Notes attribute is set on your character bit in the manner below, or the bonus won't be calculated correctly:

&notes me=Primary Eglantine skill(s) is/are <your skill(s)>


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