Gentian House
Motto "Truth and Vision."
Dowayne <name>
Second <name>
Marque Gentian flowers
House Trait Gentian
Surname nó Gentian
Location Mont Nuit


It is said when Naamah gave herself to the King Persis to earn Blessed Elua his freedom, it was the purity of her voice, the truth of what she spoke, and the aura of spiritualism about her was so great that the King of Persis had to have her so he could know what his future would be. Mystical purity of spirit is the canon of Gentian House, and patrons that have troubles they need to discuss, issues they cannot go to a priest to, it is House Gentian they turn to.

House Trait

The Gentian trait grants +2 on Persuasion +rolls per level of the trait, as long as these rolls are used to make a patron feel at ease, so that the Gentian cna enter their dreams.


Gentians have the gift of Oneiromancy, the ability to enter the dreams of someone they are having close when asleep. Please note that in regards to Oneiromancy, there won't be any rolls involved. What can be gleaned in these dreams needs to be worked out with the player of the patron in question, or in some cases, with staff.


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