Jasmine House
Motto "For Pleasure's Sake."
Dowayne <name>
Second <name>
Marque Jasmine flowers
House Traits Jasmine
Surname nó Jasmine
Location Mont Nuit

"For Pleasure's Sake" is the canon of House Jasmine on Mont Nuit, and courtesans following this precept will usually impress with their passion and stamina. Beside that, they are trained to offer entertainment that stirs the senses, some are skilled dancers, capable of sensual performances such as the Dance of Seven Veils, or belly dances of foreign influence. Passion is often paired with a more exotic appearance, and so courtesans of this canon are sometimes halfbloods, with one darker skinned parent. Another treat this canon is known for, is to inspire creativity in pursuing their passions. Including food, at certain dinner parties, when courtesans find themselves used as plates for sensual menues, decorated with a variety of fingerfoods - and little more.

House Trait

Jasmine trait benefit: Seduction +2 per level of the trait.


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