Orchis House
Motto "Joy in Laughter."
Dowayne <name>
Second <name>
Marque Orchis flowers
House Trait Orchis
Surname nó Orchis
Location Mont Nuit


It is said when Naamah gave herself to the King Persis to earn Blessed Elua his freedom, it was done with laughter and for the novelty of the idea, a lark as it were, and the King of Persis was so charmed with her personality and candor that he consented to Blessed Elua's freedom for a night with her. Mirth is the canon of House Orchis, and they use it well in pleasing their patrons, making House Orchis one of the more popular Houses in the Night Court.

House Trait

The Orchis house trait grants a +2 bonus to Persuasion +rolls, per level of the trait, as long as such a roll is used to lighten the mood of a patron.


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